Wastie Pasties

A series of entirely biodegradable adhesive bras and pasties made from an original biochar-bioplastic composite. Each pastie takes food waste that would otherwise go to a landfill and turns it into a carbon-sequestering material to replace single-use silicone pasties and traditional textile bras.


Waste Management Design Challenge powered by The Slow Factory Foundation

Selected as 1 out of 6 groups to participate in a seven-month design challenge to create solutions for fashion products, materials or systems that embrace regenerative practices.

So… what are they?

A series of adhesive bras & nipple covers whose form is inspired by the famous nudes of art history & their painters: Olympia, Venus, Henri, Schiele, Frida, etc.

Why pasties & bras?

Millions of ill-fitting bras & single-use silicone nipple covers are thrown away each year.

As people with boobs that change shape and size over a lifetime, why should we rely on destructive fashion practices & harmful materials to support our chests?

How might we divert food waste for circular fashion?

  1. Food waste is collected.

  2. It’s turned into biochar.

  3. WasteWear (our proprietary biochar bioplastic) is made via pyrolysis.

  4. Wastie Pasties are poured-to-form (or lasercut) and worn.

From lemon to biochar to Wastie Pastie.

Regenerate waste.

Sequester carbon.

With your boobs.

Our Team

Charlotte Böhning

Mary Lempres

Our Advisors

  • Julie Willoughby, PhD

    Chief Scientific Officer of Circ

  • Theanne Schiros, PhD

    Chief Scientific Officer and Co-Founder of WereWool

  • Yunhee Shin

    Senior Account Manager of EON



